
Quote: Philip K. Dick (2)

The Nexus-6. He had now come up against it. Rachael, he realized; she must be a Nexus-6. I'm seeing one of them for the first time. And they damn near did it; they came awfully damn close to undermining the Voigt-Kampff scale, the only method we have for detecting them. The Rosen Association does a good job-makes a good try, anyhow-at protecting its products.

And I have to face six more of them, he reflected. Before I'm finished.

He would earn the bounty money. Every cent.

Assuming he made it through alive.

Do androids dream of electric sheep?, 1966


I love house, too

A bit house for the crowd:


Track list:

1.- K7 - make up your mind
2.- madonna - jump
3.- svek - hold still remix
4.- rinocerose - la guitaristic house organisation
5.- bare essentials - weekenderstyle
6.- buddha bar - the novel sound
7.- svek - gamla stan
8.- blue six - music and wine


la iaia

Aquest és el meu petit homenatge a la meva iaia Remei, que morí a Barcelona el passat 11 de marc. No hi ha hagut mai iaia tan riallera, llesta, aguda i amb tant sentit de l´humor. Tan moderna, tan estimada, tan gran persona. Han estat tants estius, tants Nadals, tantes tardes... T´he estimat de debó, sempre viuràs en mi.


I love techno

This is a little mix I assembled with my beloved Hercules MK2 console, my favorite toy:


Track list:

1.- tiga - you gonna want me
2.- john dahlback - it feels so good
3.- random factor - after the tone
4.- royksopp - what else is there (trentemoller remix)
5.- mike ink - rose
6.- oxia - domino
7.- leger & lake - aqualight
8.- mateo murphy - crockett's theme
9.- ellen alien - blaue iwen

hope u enjoy it.